Let’s Start a Nano-Palooza!

This month I was honored to pen the introduction to the November newsletter for Women on Writing, the prestigious and inspirational writing community. I’m reprinting it here, in the hopes that my fellow writing friends will take advantage of National Novel Writing Month (or NaNoWriMo).

I was a skeptic. To put it mildly. In other words, I was the ultimate NaNoNayer (NaNo-Naysayer ☹). The idea had always seemed a little silly to me. Why write my heart out in November when technically I could do that all year long? And what’s with all the badges, tools, and community building? As an adult, I should be able to manage myself without all the hoopla, right? Besides, I wasn’t working on a novel anyway.

The truth is that I didn’t write my heart out all year long. And I couldn’t manage myself. In fact, among freelancing, taking care of three dogs, tending a garden, volunteering at church, and the normal kerfuffle of life, it was all I could do to set aside a few hours a week to finish a single essay. I needed a little push. In fact, I had been talking so long about finishing my memoir that the eyes of my writer friends glazed over every time I brought it up. So, when I found out that NaNoWriMo isn’t just for novelists, I decided to give it a try.

All writers, whether novelists, poets, playwrights, screenwriters, essayists and memoirists, are welcome at NaNoWriMo. In fact, anyone aiming to write 50,000 words toward any project will find something of value at NaNoWriMo, from motivation and accountability to making new friends and gaining new skills.

Last November, I cleared my calendar and finally started pulling together the pieces I planned for my book, which would be a memoir in essays exploring love, faith, and healing. Although I’d already written many of the pieces, I had never seen them all together in the same file. Doing so gave me the opportunity to look at them as a unit, edit and tighten, as well as plan new bridge essays to cover any holes. I also created a framework that tied together the chronological arc of the narrative—my seven years of growing cherries. Before November ended, I even had time to begin drafting a few of the new pieces. Along the way I logged onto NaNoWriMo regularly, joined a regional group, and began checking in, and lo and behold, the word count on my dashboard started to tick up and up and up! It was a true NaNo-palooza!

At the end of the month, the momentum continued. Over the next year, I concentrated on finalizing my new essays and wrote even more, ending up with a total of 22. Later, I turned back to my behemoth of a manuscript, and that’s when I re-discovered my draft framing document. This turned into the four thematic sections of “Plant,” “Believe,” “Pollinate,” and “Love,” and presto, I suddenly had a table of contents and my essays became actual chapters. Thanks to NaNoWriMo, I now have a 200-page manuscript that I’m currently circulating among my writing partners and will be submitting for publication.

Are you a diehard NaNoficionado? Or like me, are you on the fence? Either way, the tips in this column are meant to help you take advantage of NaNoWriMo and meet your own writing goals.

Think big. As mentioned before, you don’t have to use this time to write a novel, but you sure can. This is perfect for writers like me who have a short story that yearns to be a novella or longer. Maybe you have a juicy flash fiction that’s just itching to be part of a collection. Or a poetry chapbook. Perhaps you have an essay collection, or a memoir, or like me, maybe both. Whatever you’re working on, take it to the limit, and imagine what you might do with 50K words. As for me, it wasn’t the writing itself that intimidated me. I suffered from the age-old commitment phobia. But once I gave myself permission to think BIG and actually envision my work as a book, the writing itself was easy.

Go a little wild. Consider your NaNoWriMo experience as your personal sandbox. This is your chance to break personal boundaries and do something new. For example, you could try writing in second person or maybe in present tense. Or perhaps you could branch out and turn a nonfiction article into the background for a novel or short story. Or shift a poem into an essay, one of my favorite “makeovers.” In my case, I literally went a little wild. With the title, that is. Calling my book “Cherry Wild, a Memoir in Essays” sets the tone from the beginning, reinforcing the theme of my reconnection with nature.

Quash the critic. The critic inside my head was NOT invited to my NaNoWriMo. While she will come in handy as I finetune my synopsis and coalesce all the feedback, I promptly kicked her out the door during my brainstorming and writing sessions. During the month of November, make sure that your creative and imaginative writer self is firmly in charge, NOT the critical editor. Send her on a month-long cruise! See ya later, you naughty infiltrator!

Meet a new writer. While you can easily connect with friends who are also part of NaNoWriMo by sharing your usernames, you can also meet new writers. In the “My Community” tab, you will find both discussion forums and regional groups to join. NaNoWriMo also sponsors specialized virtual meet-ups for writers of similar backgrounds or interests. 

Check in. Not only did I enjoy entering my word count into my dashboard and watching it rise, I loved keeping tabs on the progress of my writer friends. Witnessing their successes inspired me to work that much harder, and vice versa. Under the “My NaNoWriMo” tab you’ll see links to “My Buddies.” Here is where you can easily see the word counts of your friends and compare theirs to your own.

Get support. This year NaNoWriMo offers more support than ever before, from yoga for writers to guidance on all genres, from fiction to memoir. The “Resource Hub” (under the “Writer’s Resources” tab) is your headquarters for support, including pep talks from celebrated writers and links to writing tips and exercises to keep your creative juices flowing. 

Celebrate! Once you begin reaching your writing goals, you’ll automatically rack up badges for important milestones, such as the 5K and 40K word marks. You can also award yourself a bevy of personal achievement badges for efforts such as planning, “pantsing,” and eureka moments. In addition, you may expect frequent kudos from your writing buddies, which will also keep you motivated every step of the way.

Ready to dive in? I hope so! My NaNo handle is “memwarrior” and I’d be honored to be your writing buddy. I hope to get some traction on a couple of new projects, including a creepy seaside novella. But if you’re still not sure, check out NaNo Prep, which offers a crash course in essential elements such as story development and time management.

For more inspiration, including craft articles, interviews and markets for submission, check out the complete WOW newsletter.

No matter where you are in your writing journey, I wish you all the best, and I hope you write your heart out this November.